Friday, 18 June 2010

Dear 16-year-old Chris

I read a brilliant little note on Facebook today, where one of my friends had been reading through some old blogs and decided to write a letter to her 18-year-old self, describing how she'd change in the future. This intrigued me, so I fired up my old blog from years back and had a leaf through some truly epic amounts of teenage angst.

Once I'd managed to stop myself crying, turned off the Linkin Park and washed off the eye makeup I decided to write one of these notes for my 16-year-old self, the body of which now follows:

Dear 16-year-old Chris,

1) You're allowed to swear on the Intern*t.
2) Subtlety is not your strong suit. We all knew who "Amy" was, especially after you pointed out you sat next to her in English. This will take you a worryingly long time to figure out, but you'll get there in the end.
3) You're not Frankenstein's monster. Stop hiding every time you see a camera, you'll only live to regret it.
4) You won't get any better at revising.
5) Fortunately, you don't need to have read Persuasion to ace the exam on it.
6) One day, you'll be self-deprecating for comic effect, not because you actually mean it.
7) One day, you will enjoy wearing a suit. Honestly.
8) The things you give yourself a hard time for now, won't even phase you in a couple of years' time.
9) One day, you will learn to like beer (and wonder why you ever didn't).
10) Being sweet and sappy is something you'll learn to despise.
11) Your sense of humour will lose all its boundaries, and I do mean all of them.
12) If you were to make a list of all the people you'll still be close to in three years' time, you'd be wrong on almost every single count.
13) Your self-confidence will only improve from now onwards.
14) You won't get any better at money management.
15) There really are plenty more fish in the sea, and you'll have better luck with several of them.
16) There are tougher times ahead of you than behind, but you'll be strong enough to deal with them.
17) You're going to look back on how puritannical you used to be (even though you don't think you are) and laugh your arse off.
18) One day you will learn to enjoy watching rugby (though don't worry, you'll never support Wales)
19) You'll look back on sixth form as two of the best years of your life. Even the bad times will be overshadowed by the good ones, and uni will be even better.
20) One day, you will go out in public with a grand total of one other person, both dressed as pirates, completely sober, and not think it's even remotely weird. That's how awesome you will be.

Yes indeed, I was a very different creature back then! Anyhoo, I'm working on a very ranty blog at the moment, but I want to give it the time and attention it deserves, so it may not be making an appearance for a while yet. 'Til next time then, happy trails!