I've heard from a couple of different people at a couple of different points that it's possible to make brownies in the microwave. In a mug.
Well, wouldn't you?
A quick Google search turned up the following recipe, which I include below for your delight and delectation:
Microwave Brownie in a Mug4 T flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour, but any will do)
4 T sugar (I used powdered, but again, any sugar will suffice)
2 T unsweetened baking cocoa (I used Hershey's Special Dark)
1/2 t baking powder (if you prefer
fudgey brownies, leave this out)
dash of salt
1 T vegetable oil
3 T water
1/4 t vanilla extract
1 T mini chocolate chips
In a large coffee mug, mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder (if using) with a fork or whisk.
Add wet ingredients and mix well. It will look like mud. Stir in chocolate chips.
Place in microwave and cook on high for 1 minute 30 seconds.
I decided to give it a bash, but there was one slight problem:
Out of all the ingredients listed for the above recipe, I could find (and I also had a cheeky search through my housemates' cupboards, just to check):
I decided to improvise. I figured that since hot chocolate powder is basically cocoa powder and sugar anyway I could use that instead of the two ingredients. My recipe was as follows:
Put 4T flour and 6T hot chocolate powder in a mug. Mix them together. Add 1T vegetable oil and 3T water. Mix it all together til it looks like mud (I needed to add more water to dissolve all the powder, you might too). Stick it in the microwave on full for 90 seconds, and enjoy.
I'm going shopping tomorrow, so will be picking up the ingredients I need to try out the proper recipe (including chocolate chips, yum). I'll let you know how it goes.
For the sake of fair play, here's the link to the blog where I obtained the recipe. Many thanks for putting this out there:
http://community.livejournal.com/picturing_food/4200173.htmlDisclaimer: Brownies will be hot when first removed from the microwave. If you burn yourself eating or handling them after following advice from my blog, it's your own damn fault for being a numpty, and don't come crying to me. Also, I may or may not remember to let you know how my recipe goes, depending on how busy I am.